A space for thinking about and making art.

  • A Unique Artist Residency

    Brown Pink provides artists at various stages in their career the time, space, material access, and community to encourage growth and experimentation in their practice. Located just a few blocks from our factory in historic Kingston, New York, Brown Pink is named in homage to an R&F color rich in top and undertones. (As well as a nod to our city’s long legacy of brickmaking.)

  • Thoughtful Design

    Brown Pink has two separate bedrooms, a full bathroom with soaking tub, and a kitchen stocked with everything you might need. The living room is spacious and thoughtfully arranged with comfortable chairs and a couch.

  • Location

    Brown Pink is located within walking distance of R&F. R&F staff will be happy to provide you with a list of restaurants, galleries, sculpture gardens, and other things to check out when you visit the Hudson Valley.

  • Space To Work

    Here you will enjoy uninterrupted time to work. We’ve designed the Brown Pink studio to facilitate artists in their study of the nuance in color and possibility of material.

  • R&F's Encaustic Color Line

    Encaustic is perhaps the most beautiful of all paints, and it is as versatile as any 21st century medium. It can be polished, carved, scraped, layered, collaged, dipped, cast, modeled, sculpted, textured, and combined with oil. It cools immediately, yet it can always be reworked. At Brown Pink you can explore our full encaustic color line.

  • R&F's Pigment Stick® Line

    R&F Pigment Sticks® are oil paint manufactured with enough wax for the paint to be molded into stick form. They allow the painter to draw or paint directly onto a surface without brushes, palettes, paint tubes, or solvents. A complete selection of R&F Pigment Sticks® is waiting for you at Brown Pink.

  • Relax

    Brown Pink’s soaking tub offers a luxurious way to end the day.

  • Refresh

    Simple, efficient design in a quiet setting, Brown Pink provides you a respite from the distractions of life and an opportunity to focus exclusively on your work as an artist and maker.

  • Rest

    Brown Pink has two separate bedrooms with full size beds. Linens, blankets, and pillows are provided. Separate rates are available if you are traveling alone or with a friend.

  • Inspire

    The collection of art books at Brown Pink offers you many hours of reading and inspiration. Bring your own if you wish, but there is plenty of art material waiting for you to enjoy.

  • The Collection

    During your stay at Brown Pink enjoy the original artwork that surrounds you. Pieces from R&F’s extensive collection have been hung in every room, showcasing the wide range of artist talent and the unique manner in which our color lines have been used. R&F’s Permanent Collection was built over decades and is just one of many ways R&F supports artists.

  • Immerse

    The perfect place to stay while attending a workshop at Woodstock School of Art. Or book a stay to take advantage of the studio and the solitude to create your own immersive experience.

A Unique Artist Opportunity.

Brown Pink is owned and operated by R&F Handmade Paint. Brown Pink can be rented by students attending a workshop at nearby Woodstock School of Art or by an artist looking for time and space to focus on their work in a residency-like format.